24 May 2011

I know, I know, I take forever to write my blogs. I must apologize, but it’s been rough, I’m trying to finish my Master’s (4 weeks left!), get a job that pays well enough for me to support everything, and, well, the whole ball of wax. Well, suffice it to say that things are getting better.

Yesterday on a judo forum (not the JudoForum) someone posted a video of some wonderful ukemi. So without further ado, here it is:

My thoughts on the subject come down to:
1.      I really need to practice my ukemi so that I can do this.
2.      I really need to get good mats for the club.
3.      I really wish I had enough people to get that guy to come down and teach!

Don’t forget, June 18-19 we’re doing a promotional and clinic at the New Mexico Military Institute. All packets are available on the Events page of Roswell-Judo.org.